

If you have found your way here, it is a clear sign that you value your privacy. We understand this very well, so we are giving you a document in which you can find the rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies and other tracking technologies in connection with the functioning of the online shop at .

First of all, the shop administrator is Milena Tomkowska running the business activity under the name Tomkowscy Sp. z o.o., Trębowiec Duży 2, 27-220 Mirzec, Tax Identification number: PL 6642147191.

This Privacy policy has been constructed in the form of questions and answers. The choice of such a form was dictated by the care of clarity and legibility of the information presented to you. There is a table of consent below.

1: Who is the controller of your personal data?

2: Who can you contact regarding the processing of your personal data?

3: What information do we store about you?

4: Where do we get your personal information from?

5: Is your data safe?

6: For what purposes do we process your personal data?

User account − details

Orders − details

Complaints and withdrawals − details

Newsletter – details

Comments and product reviews − details

Mailing service − details

Tax and accounting obligations − details

Archive − details

Custom marketing − details

Analysis, statistics, optimization – details

7: How long do we store your personal data?

8: Who are the recipients of your personal data?

9: Do we use profiling? Do we make automated decisions based on your personal data?

10: What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?

11: Do we use cookies and what are they?

12: On what basis do we use cookies?

13: Can you disable cookies?

14: For what purposes do we use our own cookies?

15: What third-party cookies are used?

Google Analytics – details

Google Tag Manager – details

Google AdWords – details

Google AdSense – details

16: Do we track your behaviour within our shop?

17: Do we target ads to you?

18: How can you manage your privacy?

19: What are server logs?

20: Is there anything else you should know?

If you have any concerns about our privacy policy, you can contact us at any time by sending an email to [email protected].

1: Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is Milena Tomkowska, running the business activity under the name Tomkowscy Sp. z o.o., Trębowiec Duży 2, 27-220 Mirzec, Tax Identification number: PL 6642147191.

2: Who can you contact regarding the processing of your personal data??

As part of the implementation of data protection in our organization, we have decided not to appoint a data protection officer due to the fact that it is not mandatory in our situation. You can contact us on matters relating to data protection and privacy in general by emailing [email protected].

3: What information do we store about you?

To the extent applicable, we may process the following information about you:

name and surname, residential address, business address, tax identification number, e-mail address, phone number, data provided in correspondence addressed to us, bank account number, IP address, image (profile picture), products viewed in the shop, details of orders placed, details of unused shopping baskets, activity in relation to newsletter messages, information about the operating system and the web browser used, browsed pages, time spent on the website, clicks-through sub-pages, clicks on particular links the source from which you reached our website, age, gender, approximate location limited to your town or city, interests determined by your online activities. We have described the scope of the data processing precisely for each processing purpose. Information in this respect can be found later in this policy.

§ 4: Where do we get your personal information from? In most cases, you give them to us. This happens when you:

– register a user account,

– place an order in our shop,

– send a complaint or withdraw from the contract,

– subscribe to the newsletter,

– add a comment or opinion about a product,

– contact us.

In addition, some information about you may be automatically collected by the tools we use:

– the store mechanism and newsletter system collect your IP address,

– the store engine collects information about products you have viewed, details of orders placed, including those not yet completed,

– the newsletter system mechanism collects information about your activity in relation to the content sent to you within the newsletter, such as opening messages, clicking on links, etc.,

– Google Analytics collects a range of information about how you use our shop.

5: Is your data safe?

We care about the security of your personal data. We have analyzed the risks involved in particular aspects of your data processing and then implemented appropriate security and personal data protection measures. We monitor the condition of our technical infrastructure on an ongoing basis, we train our staff, and we look at the procedures applied and introduce the necessary improvements. If you have any questions about your personal data, contact us at [email protected].

6: For what purposes do we process your personal data?

There is more than just one purpose. They are listed below, followed by a more detailed discussion. We have also assigned corresponding legal basis for processing to each purpose:

– registration and maintaining of an user account − article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR,

– processing order- Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR,

– handling complaints or withdrawal from the contract − article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR,

– sending newsletters − article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR,

– handling comments or opinions about a product − article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR,

– handling correspondence − article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR,

– fulfilling tax and accounting obligations − article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR,

– creating an archive that may be needed to defend, establish or pursue claims, as well as to identify a returning customer − article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR,

– own marketing − article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR,

– analysis, statistics and optimization − article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

User account – details When creating a user account, you must provide the data necessary to create the account, i.e. your e-mail address and password. Providing the data is voluntary but necessary to create an account.

As part of editing the account data, you can provide further data, in particular data that may be used to place orders, such as name and surname, address of residence or place of business, Tax Identification Number, and telephone number. When editing your account data, you can also set your avatar e.g. a profile picture including an image. In addition, our system used to handle user accounts records your IP number that you used when registering your user account. Furthermore, we use the integration of the Google Analytics tool with the user account mechanism. In this way, the data collected by the Google Analytics, tracking code about your use of our shop, is assigned to your user account. This includes information such as:

information about the operating system and the web browser used, browsed pages, time spent on the website, clicks-through sub- pages, clicks on particular links, the source from which you reached our website, age, gender, approximate location limited to your town or city, interests determined by your online activities. We analyze such information about you in order to optimize our websites for user experience, efficiency and conversion, which is our legitimate interest referred to in article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

You can modify the information provided to us in connection with creating an account at any time.

The data provided by you while creating an account is processed in order to provide you with an electronic service allowing you to use the user account. This service is provided on the basis of an agreement concluded in accordance with the principles described in the Terms and conditions, which means that in this regard the legal basis for the processing of your personal data is article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.

We retain your data for the duration of your account. You may at any time decide to delete your account but this will not remove from our database information about your orders placed using your account. Order data is kept in our archive for the lifetime of the shop due to ensuring that we can identify the returning customer, reconstruct their purchase history, discounts granted, etc., which is our legitimate interest referred to in article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

Orders – details When placing an order in the shop, you must provide the data necessary to complete the order. Depending on the details of your order, the data may be different. For example, if you are ordering physical products, we need to know the address where the order will be delivered to. If you are requesting a VAT invoice for a company, we need to know your tax identification number and business address. Providing data is voluntary but necessary to place an order.

Each order is stored in our database, which means that your personal data assigned to the order is also accompanied by order-related information such as the products ordered, the payment and methods selected, and the payment deadline.

The data collected in connection with the order are processed in order to perform the contract concluded by placing the order (art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR), to issue an invoice (art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR in connection with the regulations governing the issuance of invoices, to include the invoice in the accounting documentation and to fulfil other tax and accounting obligations (art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR in conjunction with the provisions governing tax and accounting obligations) and for archival purposes for the possible need to defend, establish or pursue claims, as well as for identification of a returning customer, which is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

We will process your order data for the time necessary to process your order and thereafter until the expiration of the limitation period for claims under the concluded contract. In addition, after the expiration of this period, data may still be processed by us for archival purposes for the possible need to defend, establish or assert claims, as well to identify a returning customer. Please note that we are required to keep accounting records, which may contain your personal data, for the period required by law.

Complaints and withdrawals – details If you make a complaint or withdraw from the contract, you provide personal data specified in the complaint or statement of withdrawal from the contract, which includes name and surname, address of residence, telephone number, e-mail address, and bank account number. Providing the data is voluntary but necessary to make a complaint or withdraw from the contract.

The data provided to us in connection with the filing of a complaint or withdrawal from the contract are used for the purpose of the complaint or withdrawal procedure, and then for archiving purposes, which is our legitimate interest (article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

The data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the complaint or withdrawal procedure. Complaint documents will be stored until the expiry of rights under the warranty. Statements of withdrawal from the contract will be stored along with the accounting records for the period required by law.

Newsletter – details By subscribing to the newsletter, you provide us with your name and e-mail address. Providing data is voluntary but necessary to subscribe to the newsletter.

In addition, our system used to handle the newsletter, records your IP number used when signing up for the newsletter, determines your approximate location and the email client you use for email, and tracks your actions taken in connection with messages sent to you. Therefore, we also have information about messages you opened, and in which messages you clicked on links, etc..

The data provided to us by you in connection with your subscription to the newsletter are used for the purpose of sending you the newsletter, and the legal basis for their processing is your consent (article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) given when you signed up for the newsletter. With regard to the processing of information that does not originate from you but has been collected automatically by our mailing system, we rely in this respect on our legitimate interest (article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) in analysing the behaviour of newsletter subscribers in order to optimise mailing activities.

You may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the dedicated link provided in each message sent as part of the newsletter or simply by contacting us. Despite unsubscribing from the newsletter, your data will continue to be stored in our database for the purpose of identifying a returning subscriber and for the possible defence of claims relating to the sending of the newsletter to you, in particular for the purpose of demonstrating the fact that you have given your consent to receive the newsletter and when you withdrew it, which is our legitimate interest referred to in article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

You can modify the information you provided to receive the newsletter at any time by clicking on the appropriate link provided in each newsletter message or simply by contacting us.

Comments and product reviews – details When you add a comment or review on a product, you must provide at least a username that will be associated with the comment or review (the username may include personal information such as your first or last name) and an email address. Providing this data is voluntary but necessary to add a comment or opinion. You can also add your avatar (that can include your image, such as a photo) and provide your website address but this is not mandatory.

Data provided in connection with the posting of a comment or opinion will be processed for the purpose of publishing the comment or opinion on the website. The basis for processing is your consent (article 6(1)(a)) resulting from the submission of the form used to publish the comment or opinion. You can withdraw your consent at any time by requesting your comment or opinion to be deleted.

Your comment or opinion will remain publicly available on the site for the duration of its online availability unless you first request the comment or opinion to be deleted. You can also modify the content of your comment at any time, as well as modify the data assigned to it as the data of the person who added the comment or opinion.

Mailing service – details When contacting us, you naturally provide us with your personal data contained in the correspondence, in particular your e-mail address and name. Providing the data is voluntary but necessary to make contact.

Your data is processed in this case for the purpose of contacting you, and the basis for processing is article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e. our legitimate interest. The legal basis for processing after contact has ended is also our legitimate interest in archiving correspondence to ensure that we can prove certain facts in the future (article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

The content of your correspondence may be archived and we are unable to determine when it will be deleted. You have the right to request the history of any correspondence you have had with us (if it is archived), as well as to request its removal, unless archiving it is justified by our overriding interests, such as defending against potential claims from you.

Tax and accounting obligations – details If we issue an invoice to you, it forms a part of accounting records, which will be kept for the period of time required by law. Your personal data is then processed in order to fulfil tax and accounting obligations (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR in conjunction with the provisions governing tax and accounting obligations).

Archive – details As part of the description of the individual purposes for the processing of personal data above, we have indicated time limits for the storage of personal data. These time limits are often related to our archiving of certain data for the purpose of ensuring that we can prove certain facts in the future, reconstruct the course of our cooperation with you, the correspondence exchanged, or defend, establish or pursue claims. We rely in this respect on our legitimate interest as referred to in article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

Custom marketing – details We use an unused shopping basket recovery mechanism in our shop. When you start the ordering process but do not complete it, our system will record this fact in order to take action to remind you to complete your order. These actions may include but are not limited to sending you an email with an incentive to complete your order or displaying targeted advertising when you browse the Internet.

Our shop may also collect information about your browsing activity and display targeted advertisements to you based on that activity. However, if you are not a registered user, the information used for this purpose is not personal. It only becomes personal when it is combined with your personal information collected in your user account.

We carry out the activities described above based on our legitimate interest referred to in article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR involving the marketing of our own products.

7: How long do we store your personal data?

Data retention periods are indicated separately for each processing purpose. You will find this information within the details allocated to each separate processing purpose.

8: Who are the recipients of your personal data?

We venture to say that modern business cannot exist without services provided by third parties. We also use such services. Some of these services involve the processing of your personal data. Third party service providers who are involved in the processing of your personal data are:

– the hosting provider that stores the data on the server,

– the cloud computing service provider, where backups that may contain your personal data are stored,

– the mailing system provider, where we store your data if you are a newsletter subscriber,

– the provider of a CRM system in which we store your data in order to improve the customer service process and for archiving purposes,

– the invoicing system provider, where we store your data in order to issue invoices,

– the accounting company, which processes your invoice data,

– courier companies that process your data to the extent necessary for the delivery of your order,

– a law firm that accesses your data where necessary to provide legal assistance to us,

– a maintenance service provider who accesses the data if the technical work carried out relates to areas where personal data is located,

– other subcontractors who are granted access if the scope of their activities requires such access.

Your personal data may also be forwarded to tax authorities to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of tax and accounting obligations. This refers in particular to all declarations, reports, statements and other accounting documents containing your personal data.

Furthermore, if necessary, your personal data may be disclosed to entities, authorities or institutions entitled to access the data on the basis of the law, such as police and security services, courts, and prosecution offices.

Moreover, we use tools that collect a range of information about you in relation to your use of our shop. This includes, in particular, the following information:

– information about the operating system and the web browser you are using,

– your browsing activity,

– time spent on the site,

– clicks-through sub-pages,

– clicks on particular links,

– the source from which you came to our site,

– age,

– gender,

– approximate location limited to your town or city.

– your interests as determined by your online activities.

This information itself does not, in our opinion, have the nature of personal data. As this information is collected by third party tools that we use, the information is also processed by the tool providers in accordance with their terms of use and privacy policies. Generally, this information is used to provide, improve and manage our services, to develop new services, to measure the effectiveness of advertising, to protect against fraud and abuse, and to personalise the content and advertising displayed on particular services, websites and applications. We have tried to describe the details in this regard later in this policy as part of the explanation of each tool.

9: Do we use profiling? Do we make automated decisions based on your personal data?

We do not make decisions about you basing solely on automated processing, including profiling, that would have legal effect on you or similarly materially affect you.

Yes, we do use tools that may take certain actions depending on the information collected through tracking mechanisms but we believe that these actions do not have a material impact on you as they do not differentiate your situation as a customer, and do not affect the terms of the contract you may enter into with us, etc.

Using certain tools, we can, for example, target you with personalised advertising based on your previous activities on our website or suggest products that may be of interest to you. This is known as behavioural advertising. We encourage you to learn more about behavioural advertising, particularly with regard to privacy issues. Detailed information, including the possibility to manage your settings for behavioural advertising, can be found here

We emphasize that with the tools we use, we do not have access to information that would allow us to identify you. The information we are talking about here is, in particular:

– information about the operating system and the web browser you are using,

– your browsing activity,

– time spent on the site,

– clicks-through sub-pages,

– the source from which you came to our site,

– age,

– gender,

– approximate location limited to your town or city,

– your interests as determined by your online activities.

We do not link the information indicated above to your personal information held in our databases. This information is anonymous and does not allow us to identify you by name. This information is stored on the servers of the providers of the respective tools, and these servers can usually be located around the world.

10: What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?

The GDPR grants you the following potential rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:

– the right to access your data and to receive a copy of it,

– The right to rectify (amend) your data,

– the right to erasure (if in your opinion there are no grounds for us to process your data, you can request that we erase it),

– the right to restrict processing (you can request that we restrict processing to only storing your data or carrying out activities agreed with you if in your opinion we have incorrect data or process it unfairly),

– the right to object to processing (you have the right to object to processing on the basis of a legitimate interest; you should indicate the particular situation which, in your opinion, justifies stopping the processing covered by the objection; we will stop processing your data for these purposes unless we can demonstrate that the grounds for processing override your rights or that your data is necessary for us to establish, pursue or defend claims),

– the right to data portability (you have the right to receive from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the personal data you have provided to us on the basis of a contract or your consent; you can have this data sent directly to another party),

– the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data if you have previously given such consent,

– the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (if you find that we process your data unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection or other competent supervisory authority).

The rules related to the exercise of the rights indicated above are described in detail in articles 16 – 21 of the GDPR. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with these provisions. On our part, we believe it is necessary to explain to you that the rights indicated above are not absolute and you will not be entitled to them in relation to all activities related to the processing of your personal data.

We would like to emphasise that one of the rights indicated above is always available to you − if you consider that we have violated the provisions on personal data protection while processing your personal data, you may lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority (the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

You can always ask us to provide you with information about the data we hold about you and for what purposes we process it. It is enough for you to send a message to [email protected]. However, we have made every effort to ensure that the information you are interested in is comprehensively set out in this privacy policy. You can also use the e-mail address given above if you have any questions relating to the processing of your personal data.

11: Do we use cookies and what are they?

Our shop, like almost all other websites, uses cookies.

Cookies are small text pieces of information stored on your terminal device (e.g. computer, tablet, smart phone), which can be read by our ICT system (our own cookies) or by third party ICT systems (third party cookies). In cookies, specific information can be saved and stored, and can then be accessed by ICT systems for specific purposes.

Some cookies used by us are deleted when the session of the Internet browser ends, i.e. after it is closed (so-called session cookies). Other cookies are stored on your terminal device and enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit the website (persistent cookies).

If you would like to find out more about cookies as such, you can read for example this material:

12: On what basis do we use cookies?

We use cookies on the basis of your consent, except where cookies are necessary for the proper provision of an electronic service to you.

As far as your consent to cookies is concerned, we assume that you give your consent through the settings of your Internet browser or through additional software that supports the management of cookies. We assume that you agree to all cookies used by us, which are not blocked by your browser or additional software you use.

Please note that disabling or restricting cookies may prevent you from using some of the features available in our shop and cause difficulties in using it, as well as many other websites that use cookies. For example, if you block the cookies of social network plug-ins, the buttons, widgets and social functions implemented in our shop may not be available to you.

13: Can you disable cookies?

Yes, you can manage your cookies settings within your web browser. You can block all or selected cookies. You can also block cookies from specific sites. You can delete previously saved cookies and other site and plug-in data at any time.

Browsers also offer the option to use an incognito mode. You can use this mode if you don’t want information on visited sites and downloaded files to be stored in your browsing and download histories. Cookies created in incognito mode are deleted when you close all incognito mode windows.

Browser plug-ins to control cookies are also available, such as Ghostery ( Cookie control may also be provided by additional software, in particular anti-virus packages, etc.

Furthermore, there are tools available on the Internet that make it possible to control certain types of cookies, in particular to collectively manage behavioural advertising settings (e.g.,

Please note that disabling or restricting cookies may prevent you from using some of the features available in our shop and cause difficulties in using it, as well as many other websites that use cookies. For example, if you block the cookies of social network plug-ins, the buttons, widgets and social functions implemented in our shop may not be available to you.

14: For what purposes do we use our own cookies?

Own cookies are used to ensure proper functioning of particular mechanisms of the shop, such as maintaining the session after logging into your account, remembering the last viewed products and products added to the basket.

Our own cookies also store information about the cookie settings you have made using the cookie management mechanism.

Own cookies are also used to operate the mechanism for the recovery of unused baskets.

15: What third-party cookies are used?

The following third party cookies operate within our shop:

– Google Analytics,

– Google AdWords,

– Facebook Custom Audiences,

– Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Pinterest (social media cookies),

– Hotjar,

– YouTube.

Details of the respective third-party cookies are described below.

Google Analytics – details We use the Google Analytics tool provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. We carry out activities in this respect based on our legitimate interest in generating statistics and analysing them in order to optimise our websites.

In order to use Google Analytics, we have implemented a special Google Analytics tracking code in the code of our website. The tracking code uses cookies from Google LLC concerning the Google Analytics service. You can block the Google Analytics tracking code at any time by installing the browser add-on provided by Google:

Google Analytics automatically gathers information about your use of our website. The information collected in this way is usually transmitted to and stored on Google servers, which may be located around the world.

Due to the IP anonymisation that we have activated, your IP address is shortened before being passed on. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address is transmitted to Google’s servers and shortened there. The anonymised IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics is generally not combined with other Google data.

We would like to point out that we do not collect any data as part of Google Analytics that would allow your identification. Accordingly, the data collected within the scope of Google Analytics does not have the nature of personal data for us. The information we have access to with Google Analytics is, in particular:

– information about the operating system and the internet browser used,

– the sub-pages you view in our shop,

– the time spent in our shop and on our pages,

– clicks-through sub-pages,

– the source from which you came to our shop.

Moreover, we use the following Advertising Functions within Google Analytics:

– demographic and interest reports,

– remarketing,

– ad reporting features, user-ID.

We also do not collect personal data as part of the Advertising Functions. The information we have access to is, in particular:

– age, – gender, – approximate location limited to your town or city, – your interests as determined by your online activities.

Google Analytics and Google Analytics 360 services have been certified to the independent security standard ISO 27001. ISO 27001 is one of the most widely recognised standards in the world and certifies that the systems operating Google Analytics and Google Analytics 360 meet the relevant requirements.

If you are interested in more details related to Google’s use of data from sites and applications that use Google services, we encourage you to read this information at

Google AdWords – details We use remarketing functions available within the Google AdWords system operated by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. We perform these activities based on our legitimate interest in marketing our own products and services.

When you visit our website, a Google remarketing cookie is automatically stored on your device and collects information about your activities in our shop. Thanks to the information collected in this way, we are able to show you advertisements within the Google network depending on your behaviour in our shop. For example, if you view a product, this information will be recorded by a remarketing cookie so that we can target you with an advert for the product or any other advert we consider relevant. This advertising will be shown to you within the Google network when you use the Internet, browse other websites, etc.

We would like to point out that we do not collect any data in order to identify you when using Google Ads. The possible aggregation of data in such a way that they become personal data may be carried out on Google’s part, but we are no longer responsible for this as Google carries out these activities on the basis of the contract concluded with you as a user of Google services.

We, using Google AdWords, are only able to define the target groups that we would like our ads to reach. On this basis, Google decides when and how to present our advertising.

Further processing of the information only takes place if you have consented to Google linking your browsing history to your account and using the information from your Google account to personalise the ads that are displayed on the websites. In this situation, Google will use your data to create and define target group lists for remarketing on different devices. For this purpose, Google will temporarily combine the information collected with other data in its possession to create target groups.

If you do not wish to receive personalised advertising, you can manage your advertising settings directly on the Google website

If you are interested in details related to Google’s use of data from sites and applications that use Google services, we encourage you to read this information at

Facebook Custom Audiences – details As part of the Facebook Ads system provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, we use the Custom Audience feature to target specific user groups with advertising messages. We do this based on our legitimate interest in marketing our own products and services.

In order to target you with advertisements personalized to your behaviour in our shop, we have implemented the Facebook Pixel within our website, which automatically collects information about your use of the website. The information collected in this way is usually transmitted to Facebook servers that may be located anywhere in the world, particularly in the United States of America (USA).

The information collected within Facebook Pixel is anonymous, i.e. it does not allow us to identify you. Depending on your activity on our pages, you may reach a specific audience but we do not in any way identify individuals belonging to these groups.

However, we would like to inform you that Facebook may combine the information collected with other information about you collected as part of your use of Facebook, and use it for its own purposes, including marketing. Such activities of Facebook are no longer dependent on us, and you can find information about them directly in Facebook’s privacy policy at From your Facebook account, you can also manage your privacy settings. You will find useful information in this regard at

Social media tools – details Our website uses plug-ins, buttons and other social media tools, hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘plug-ins’, provided by social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN, Twitter, and Pinterest.

By displaying our website containing a plug-in of a particular social network, your browser sends the administrator of the social network information about your visit. As the plug-in is a fragment of a social network embedded in our website, your browser sends a request to download the content of the respective social network to our website.

The plug-ins collect certain information about you, such as your user ID, the site you visited, the date and time and other browser information.

Social network administrators use some of this information to personalize your viewing experience on our site. For example, when you visit a page with a ‘Like’ button, the social network administrator needs information who you are to show you which of your friends also like our page.

The information collected by the plug-ins may also be used by the social network administrators for their own purposes, such as improving their own products, creating user profiles, analysing and optimising their own activities, and targeting advertising. We have no real influence on how the information collected by the plug-ins is subsequently used by the social network administrators. You can find details in this regard in the respective rules and privacy policies of the individual social networks.

Social network plug-ins collect and transmit information to the administrators of these social networks even if you browse our site without being logged into your social network account. However, the browser then sends a more limited set of information.

If you are logged into one of the social networks, the administrator of the social network will be able to directly associate your visit to our website with your profile in the relevant social network.

If you do not want the social networks to attribute the data collected during your visit to our website directly to your profile in the relevant social network, you must log out of the social network website before visiting our website. You can also completely prevent plug-ins from being loaded on the website by using the appropriate extensions for your browser, such as script blocking.

Furthermore, the use of certain plug-ins may involve the publication of certain information within your social profiles. For example, information about clicks on the ‘Like’ button may be available on your Facebook timeline. Of course, if you share any content on your social media using plug-ins embedded on our website, this sharing will naturally be visible in your profile.

When it comes the details related to the processing of the information collected by the plug-ins by the social network administrators, in particular the purpose and scope of data collection and their further processing and use by the administrators, as well as the possibility to contact you and your rights in this regard and the possibility to make settings to ensure the protection of your privacy, you will find all the information in the privacy policies of the respective service providers:

Facebook –,

Twitter –,

LinkedIN –,

Instagram –,

Pinterest –

Hotjar – details We use the Hotjar tool to better understand your needs and to optimise our website for your experience, which is our legitimate interest. The tool is provided by a third party entity, namely Hotjar Limited, Level 2, St Julian’s Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian’s STJ 1000, Malta.

Hotjar records every visitor on our website and makes it possible to play back a video of their movement around our site, as well as to generate so-called heat maps. Within the Hotjar tool we do not have access to information that allows us to identify you, as Hotjar does not record the process of filling in forms. The information we have access to within Hotjar is, in particular:

– information about the operating system and the internet browser you are using,

– subpages visited,

– time spent on our site and on subpages,

– clicks-through sub-pages,

– the source from which you came to our site,

– the places where you clicked with your mouse.

In order to use Hotjar, we have implemented a special Hotjar tracking code in the code of our website. The tracking code uses cookies from Hotjar Limited. The information collected through the cookies is stored by Hotjar in a pseudonymous user profile. Neither Hotjar nor we use this information to identify you.

You can object to Hotjar creating your user profile, storing information about your use of our website and use of cookies at

If you are interested in details related to Hotjar’s data processing, we encourage you to read Hotjar’s privacy policy at

YouTube – details YouTube widgets are embedded on our pages, allowing you to play YouTube videos directly from our pages. YouTube is operated by Google LLC.

The videos are embedded on the website in privacy mode and based on information provided by YouTube. This means that no cookies are stored on your device and Google does not collect any information about you until you play the video.

When you watch a video, YouTube saves cookies on your device and receives information that you have played the video from a particular website, even if you do not have a Google account or are not currently logged in. If you are logged into your Google account, this service provider will be able to directly associate your visit to our website with your account. The purpose and scope of data collection and their further processing and use by Google, the contact details and your rights in this respect, and the possibility of making settings to protect your privacy are described in the Google privacy policy.

If you do not want Google to attribute the data collected during video viewing directly to your profile, you must log out of your account before playing the video. You can also completely prevent the loading of plug-ins on the website by using appropriate extensions for your browser, such as script blocking.

Google uses the information collected by the cookies associated with the YouTube videos embedded on our pages to ensure the correct and safe functioning of the widget, to analyse and optimise the services provided by YouTube as well as for personalisation and advertising purposes.

Please note that by playing videos available on YouTube, you use services provided electronically by Google LLC. Google LLC is an independent, third-party provider of electronic services to you. For details on the YouTube terms of use, including privacy protection, you can refer to the documents provided directly by YouTube:

terms and conditions:, privacy policy:

16: Do we track your behaviour within our shop?

Yes, we use Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Hotjar and Facebook Custom Audiences tools which involve collecting information about your activities in our shop. These tools are described in detail under the question on third party cookies, so we will not repeat this information here.

17: Do we target ads to you?

Yes, we use Facebook Ads and Google Ads where we can target advertising to specific groups defined by various criteria such as age, gender, interests, profession, job, and activities previously undertaken within our shop. These tools are described in detail under the question on third party cookies, so we will not repeat this information here.

§ 18: How can you manage your privacy? The answer to this question can be found in many places in this Privacy policy when describing individual tools, behavioural advertising, cookies consent, etc. Nevertheless, we have once again gathered this information in one place for your convenience. Below you will find a list of options for managing your privacy.- the cookie settings within your browser, – browser plug-ins to support the management of cookies, e.g. Ghostery, – additional software for managing cookies, – incognito mode in your browser, – behavioural advertising settings, e.g., – Google Analytics Opt-out at, – Google Ads Settings at, – Facebook Ads Settings at, – HotJar Opt-out at

19: What are server logs?

Using the shop involves sending requests to the server, on which the shop is stored. Each query sent to the server is recorded in the server logs.

The logs include, among other things, your IP address, the date and time of the server, information about the Internet browser and operating system you are using. The logs are saved and stored on the server.

The data stored in the server logs are not associated with specific users of the website and are not used by us to identify you.

The server logs constitute only auxiliary material used to administer the website, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except persons authorised to administer the server.

20: Is there anything else you should know?

As you can see, the issues of processing personal data, the use of cookies and managing privacy in general are quite complex. We have made every effort to ensure that this document provides you with as much knowledge as possible on the issues that are important to you. If anything is unclear to you, you would like to know more, or you just want to talk about your privacy, please email us at [email protected].